Fact Sheets

Dental Therapy 101
Improving access to care and advancing racial and economic justice.

Roles & Functions of Oral Health Team
Team-based oral health care offers a comprehensive, patient-focused experience that can bring care to more people in their community and help achieve good oral health for all. While the oral health workforce may look different in each state, here are some of the experts that are part of the care delivery team.

Why Oral Health Matters
Dental disease hurts more than our teeth. It’s tied to our overall health. Tooth decay can risk our physical, mental, and economic wellbeing. It also strains state budgets. Policy barriers keep many people from getting the care and support they need to have good oral health. Due to structural racism and economic inequity, this most harms Black and Brown people, American Indian/Alaska Native communities, and people with low incomes. But with policy change, we can achieve good oral health for everyone.

Congress Must Fix the Indian Health Care Improvement Act to Fully Expand the Community Health Aide Program
CHAP Expansion Must Include Oral Healthcare Providers